
  • 摘要: 对三线摆的线性近似模型和转动惯量计算公式的由来作了简要说明. 分析了三线摆扭振系统质心偏移对转动惯量测试的影响,给出了扭振系统质心与三线摆中心轴对齐的判别准则和用三线摆测定物体对非质心轴转动惯量的工程实用方法. 通过工程实例说明了该方法的有效性与可靠性. 最后讨论了提高转动惯量实测精度的几项具体措施.


    Abstract: The approximate linear model of thethree-string pendulum and its computational formula for the moment of inertiaare discussed. The influence of the excursion of the mass center of thetorsional vibrating system of the three-string pendulum on the measurement ofthe moment of inertia is analyzed. A criterion for the mass center ofthe torsional vibrating system to be in alignment with the central axis ofthe three-string pendulum and a practical method to measure the moment of inertia of a body about a noncentral axis of mass using the three-stringpendulum are proposed. It is shown that the present method is effective andreliable. Several concrete measuresfor improving precision of measuring the moment of inertia are proposed.


