
  • 摘要: 冲击整形扩径工艺是修复油水井套管损坏的常用技术,根据冲击整形的施工工艺和波动理论,建立了套损局部位置处水泥环的损伤力学模型,以有限变形理论为基础,采用悬臂梁力学模型,分段研究了冲击整形时钻杆屈曲的平衡位形及对套管、水泥环产生的冲击力. 结合水泥环的应力状态, 根据脆性材料的Mazars损伤模型,建立了水泥环的损伤力学模型. 并分析了水泥环的损伤状态. 通过与现场测试结果对比,理论计算与实测结果误差在2.7%左右.


    Abstract: The impact reshaping is a technology in commonuse for repairing damaged casing. The mechanical model of cement loop is built basedon the impact reshaping technology and wave technology. The balancedsite-shape of the drill pipe and the impacting force caused by the drillpipe are obtained by subsections based on the mechanical model of a cantileverbeam. According to the stress state and Mazars damage mechanical modelof brittleness materials, a damage mechanical model of cement loop is built andthe damage state is calculated. The calculated results are compared againsttesting results and the error is around 2.7%.


