
Thomas Young's contributions to mechanics

  • 摘要: 托马斯--杨是一位多才多艺的学者, 在光学、声学、流体动力学、医学、材料力学、考古学、语言学、保险学等众多领域做出了突出贡献, 但由于种种原因使他在力学方面的贡献未曾得到学术界的足够重视. 杨在力学方面的研究涉及到材料力学、血液流动力学、能量、冲击动力学、表面浸润力学、工程结构分析等方面. 他是一位纯粹的自然哲学家, 同时他能够将理论与实验和工程实际相结合, 实现了后辈力学家所提倡的``技术科学''的理念.


    Abstract: Thomas Young was a polymath scholar, and his research interest coveredoptics, acoustics, hydrodynamics, medicine, strength of materials,archaeology, language, assurance, etc. However, his contributions tomechanics didn't draw a lot of attentions of his contemporary scientists dueto some reasons. These contributions include mechanics of materials,hydrodynamics of blood, energy, impact dynamics, surface wetting mechanics,structural analysis of engineering materials, etc. He was a pure naturalphilosopher, and at the same time he combined his theory with theengineering applications, with the spirit of engineering science beingrealized.


