
Thinking about fluid dynamics teaching

  • 摘要: 流体力学的教学不仅仅是传授理论知识,更需要提高学生的创造性和综合素质。本文讨论了“四个”统一:静力学和动力学教学的统一;流体作用在平面上的力和曲面上的力的统一;理论和实践的统一;课程与专业的统一;提出了流体力学课程教学中哲学思维观建立、计算机解决实际问题能力培养、专业知识前瞻性的教育至关重要。


    Abstract: Not only it is important to impart knowledge, it is more important to improve students' creativity and comprehensive quality during fluid dynamics teaching.In this paper four "unity" is discussed,which includes the unity of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics teaching,the unity of fluid pressure on the plane and the surface, the unity of theory and practice and the unity of this course and specialty. The following view is put forward.To make students establish philosophical thought, to improve their abilities of solving practical problem by computer, to teach some relevant prospective professional knowledge are very important.


