侯一钊. 吴耀祖 (Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu) 先生生平简介. 力学与实践, xxxx, x(x): 1-7. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-24-338
引用本文: 侯一钊. 吴耀祖 (Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu) 先生生平简介. 力学与实践, xxxx, x(x): 1-7. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-24-338
Thomas Y. Hou. A brief introduction to professor theodore yao-tsu wu. Mechanics in Engineering, xxxx, x(x): 1-7. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-24-338
Citation: Thomas Y. Hou. A brief introduction to professor theodore yao-tsu wu. Mechanics in Engineering, xxxx, x(x): 1-7. DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-24-338

吴耀祖 (Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu) 先生生平简介

A brief introduction to Professor Theodore Yao-Tsu Wu

  • 摘要: 吴耀祖教授一位享誉世界的流体力学家,将毕生精力贡献给工程科学创新人才培养和前沿基础科学研究,在低雷诺数流体动力学、空泡流理论、水波理论、仿生推进理论等方面做出了具有里程碑意义的学术贡献。本文简要介绍吴先生的生平,包括他在中国的早年生活、在加州理工学院的研究生学习经历及其职业发展。本文的许多故事来源于2002年在加州理工学院进行的口述历史系列访谈记录


    Abstract: Professor Theodore Yaozu Wu is a world-renowned fluid dynamicist who has devoted his life to the cultivation of innovative talents in engineering science and cutting-edge basic scientific research. He has made landmark academic contributions in low Reynolds number fluid dynamics, cavitation flow theory, water wave theory, and bionic propulsion theory. This article briefly introduces Mr. Wu's life, including his early life in China, his graduate study experience at Caltech, and his career development. Many of the stories in this article are derived from the oral history interview series conducted at Caltech in 2002.


