
Some Reviews on the Textbooks of Engineering Mechanics

  • 摘要: 主要针对当前我国所采用《理论力学》教材中的基本体系划分、基本概念的准确把握、基本结论的严谨论证、以及教材内容反映现代科学发展等环节存在的若干问题给予了评述. 以期在新世纪教材建设中通过思考这些基本内容的调整,来实现本科生创新能力的培养和教学水平的提升.


    Abstract: This paper gives some reviews on the subject system in the textbooks titled "Engineering Mechanics" employed in China, from which some problems existed in the books are presented. It is expacted that the pullulation of excellent and innovative young researchers in China is propoted by the higher education through the advancement of the textbook.


