
  • 摘要: 现代奥林匹克运动与现代科学技术的结合,不仅创造了一届届精彩纷呈的体育比赛,而且缔造了一种永远铭刻在人类进步史上的灿烂文明. 将奥林匹克运动与力学分析结合,让运动员尽量减小阻力,充分展示自己实力,以更科学、更合理的动作参加比赛,以``更快、更高、更强''的奥林匹克精神不断挑战自我,超越自我.


    Abstract: Conbimed Olympics with modern techniques, not only had been holding brilliant sports conpetitions many times, but also had established one kind of resplendency civilization which was impressed in the histry of human beening improving forever. Association Olympics with mechanical analyse, in order to grow down the drag of sportsmen, to sufficiently show their abilities; also lead to the actions of athletes taking part in matches more wonderful and more effective. It is "faster, higher, stronger" that the Olympic spirit to challenge himself and exceed himself.


