

  • 摘要: 在强调素质教育的今天,“以学生为中心”的教育理念已逐渐成为共识。培养学生自主学习的意识、兴趣和方法是这一理念的重要部分。而要实现从传统的被动式的“教师教”到主动式的“学生学”,是高校教师和学生共同面对的挑战。同济大学教学质量管理办公室和教师发展中心多次召开专题讨论会,以探寻实现“学生为中心”教学的可行方法。部分学生习惯了“灌输式”教学固然是“学生主动学”难以实施的原因之一,课堂教学没有吸引力也是教师们应该特别注意改进的。设计以学生学习能力培养为基准的评价体系以提高学生学和教师教的积极性、适当引进“同伴教”以取代全面“灌输式”教学、设计更具挑战性的无标准答案问题等都是有效提高学生学习主动性和积极性的措施。


    Abstract: Student-centered teaching and learning is now widely accepted in the modern higher education worldwide with active learning as its core. It is a big challenge for both the teachers and the students to turn successfully from the traditional teacher-centered teaching to the relatively new student-centered learning. This paper presents a discussion on the feasible and efficient ways from the traditional“teacher-centered teaching”to the “student-centered learning” organized by the Quality Assurance Office and the Center for Excellent Teaching of the Tongji University. Being used to the cramming teaching, some students lack the initiative of active learning, teachers should do their best to arouse students in class. Effective ways to encourage active learning include designing an appropriate quality evaluation system, focusing on student learning efficiency and ability improvement, with an effective teaching pedagogy such as the “peer instruction”, and the introductions of problems or projects without preset answers in class.


