
The reliability of a cracked structure based on the multi-scale method

  • 摘要: 针对环境作用下金属结构从微观损伤到宏观失效的复杂过程,选用具有局部细化特征的CAS小波,先对疲劳裂纹扩展方程进行离散处理,将微分方程转化为代数方程组,然后用完全积分可靠性分析模型,对一般环境中和引入环境系数的含裂纹结构的可靠度进行求解.最后,验证了利用CAS小波多尺度方法求解复杂环境中结构疲劳破坏过程是可行的,并能很好地解决短裂纹与长裂纹扩展的光滑过渡.


    Abstract: Under the service environment, the structure of metal materials often undergoes a complex process from the micro-damage to the macro-failure. In order to better understand the degeneration mechanism, the CAS wavelet is used to solve the differential equation of the fatigue crack propagation, and the differential equation is transformed into algebraic equations. Then the reliability of a cracked structure in a general environment and a corrosion environment is analyzed with the algebraic equations. At last, by comparing the calculated results with the experiment results, it is shown that the CAS wavelet method can realize a smooth transition from the short crack to the long crack.


