力学与实践, 2019, 41(4): 373-381 DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-18-448


结构优化技术在高速飞行器上的应用与面临的挑战 1)

全栋梁*, 时光辉*, 关成启,*,2), 王健*, 罗俊航*, 宋锋*, 王博, 高彤**, 朱继宏**, 张卫红**,3)

* 北京空天技术研究所,北京 100074

大连理工大学工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,辽宁大连 116024

** 西北工业大学航宇材料结构一体化设计与增材制造装备技术国际联合研究中心,西安 710072


QUAN Dongliang*, SHI Guanghui*, GUAN Chengqi,*,2), WANG Jian1*, LUO Junhang*, SONG Feng*, WANG Bo, GAO Tong**, ZHU Jihong**, ZHANG Weihong**,3)

* Beijing Aerospace Technology Institute, Beijing 100074, China

State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China

** State IJR Center of Aerospace Design and Additive Manufacturing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China

通讯作者: 2) 关成启,研究员,主要研究方向为飞航武器系统总体设计。E-mail:guanchengq@126.com3) 张卫红,教授,主要研究方向为结构优化设计理论、方法及其应用。E-mail:zhangwh@nwpu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-11-12   网络出版日期: 2019-08-27

基金资助: 1)国家重点研发计划.  (2016YFB0201605,2016YFB0201600,2017YFB1102800)
国家自然科学基金.  11672239,51790171

Received: 2018-11-12   Online: 2019-08-27

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 结构优化 ; 拓扑优化 ; 尺寸优化 ; 高速飞行器


With its great national strategic importance and socio-economic benefits, the high-speed vehicle always plays a specific role in the field of aerospace. In this paper, the structural optimization technique and its application in the aircraft design are reviewed firstly. Then, the specific applications of structural optimization techniques in the high-speed vehicle design are then discussed in the context of the typical service environment and the design requirement. We show typical cases subsequently with applications in the concept design of the high-speed vehicle and in the innovative and improved design of their parts over the last years. In view of the solid theoretical foundations as well as the numerous successful engineering practices of the structural optimization, it not only provides an effective tool, but also brings about revolutionary changes for the design of high-speed vehicle structures. It is anticipated that the structural optimization supplemented by the empirical design will surely be a standard procedure for the aircraft design, and the practice-oriented research will undoubtedly enhance the core competitiveness of the aerospace industry in China

Keywords: structural optimization ; topology optimization ; size optimization ; high-speed aerocraft

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全栋梁, 时光辉, 关成启, 王健, 罗俊航, 宋锋, 王博, 高彤, 朱继宏, 张卫红. 结构优化技术在高速飞行器上的应用与面临的挑战 1). 力学与实践[J], 2019, 41(4): 373-381 DOI:10.6052/1000-0879-18-448

QUAN Dongliang, SHI Guanghui, GUAN Chengqi, WANG Jian1, LUO Junhang, SONG Feng, WANG Bo, GAO Tong, ZHU Jihong, ZHANG Weihong. APPLICATIONS AND CHALLENGES OF STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION IN HIGH-SPEED AEROCRAFT 1). MECHANICS IN ENGINEERING[J], 2019, 41(4): 373-381 DOI:10.6052/1000-0879-18-448


高速飞行器是航空、航天领域发展的重要方向,具有重大战略意义和重要经济社会价值。未来几年到几十年,武器装备、飞机、空天往返飞行器等航空航天装备面临着全面更新换代,而高速化是其重要趋势,具有代表性的方案包括中国航天科工集团空天往返飞行器(图1)、SR-72高超音速概念飞机等[1]。SR-72能够以超过5 马赫的速度在临近空间长时间飞行,甚至穿梭于大气层与外太空轨道之间。高速飞行器在整个使用过程中必须经受复杂严酷的载荷环境。一方面,在大气层内高速飞行过程中,高速飞行器因气动加热表面从常温逐渐升到极端高温,例如6马赫飞行的高速飞行器前缘驻点温度超过1500K,局部短时温度梯度高达700K/cm极端环境下短时温升速率达到50K/s;另一方面,除了高温和气动载荷引起的结构变形,各种原因引起的振动是高速飞行器设计必须考虑的另一关键因素,例如局部内外流耦合部位振动总均方根量级超过20$g$,局部噪声环境超过165dB。综合而言,与传统飞行器相比,高速飞行器的使用环境异常严酷。


图1   中国航天科工集团空天往返飞行器





1 结构优化技术及其在飞行器设计中的应用

1.1 结构优化设计




图2   结构优化的三个层次及与工程设计的关系

拓扑优化方法大致可分为变密度法及其发展和边界演化方法两类。变密度拓扑优化方法[5-6]采用有限元网格单元作为拓扑优化的基本设计要素,将连续体结构的拓扑优化问题等价转换为结构有限元模型中离散单元的保留与删除问题,通过均匀化的思想将离散问题转化为便于数值实现的连续问题[7];类似方法包括固体各向同性材料惩罚函数方法[8-9]、渐进优化方法[10]和独立连续映射方法[11-12] 等。

边界演化方法通过控制实边界的演化过程来实现拓扑优化,具有代表性的为水平集拓扑优化方法[13-14]、相场法[15-16]等。在拓扑优化中引入组件布局设计能够实现结构拓扑构型与组件布局的协同优化[17-19],由此近年兴起的特征驱动拓扑优化方法[20-22]和可动变形组件法[23] 能够大规模地减少设计变量数目,优化结果可直接与计算机辅助设计系统无缝衔接,更具发展前景。

拓扑优化解决的问题从体积约束下的最大刚度设计问题,逐步扩展到动力学优化问题[24-25]、应力约束问题[26-27]、设计相关的压力载荷问题[28-29]、热传导问题[30-34]以及热力耦合[35-38] 等耦合场问题。


1.2 结构优化技术在飞行器设计中的应用



图3   结构优化在飞行器设计中的应用




涡轮发动机接头结构拓扑优化,考虑传统工艺限制,在保证结构强度和刚度指标条件下,实现结构减重25%;采用增材制造工艺,最大位移降低50%的同时实现结构减重66%,效果显著[52]。Fairchild Dornier728飞机舱门支撑臂拓扑优化,考虑结构的可制造性、在保证结构刚度基础上减重20%,开发周期从原来的三个月缩短到三个星期[53]。除上述航空飞行器零件设计应用外,国防科技大学采用拓扑优化对"天拓3"微型卫星支座进行了优化设计;优化后结构除轴向频率略有降低外,最大应力、一阶失稳载荷因子、基频均得到改善,与原始设计模型相比结构减重17.93%,相比以往"经验仿真试验"的迭代手段,有效降低了设计周期和试验成本[46]








除上述应用之外,针对飞行器结构设计以及全机概念设计需求,国内外学者开展了大量特定问题的优化设计方法研究和应用探索,包括保形优化[59]、设备布局优化[3] 等。可以预知,结构优化技术将在飞行器结构系统设计中发挥重要作用。

2 结构优化技术在高速飞行器设计中的应用

2.1 高速飞行器结构设计需求




(3) 大型整体结构一体化问题:大型承载结构一体化设计与制造、减少工艺分离面与连接增重,对于降低结构系统减重至关重要,甚至可以说大型承载结构的轻量化水平决定了整个飞行器的轻量化水平。

(4) 设备布局优化问题:不同设备对于外部的环境要求不同,如何布置设备能使得设备环境最佳;同时,对于具有一定承载能力的设备,将其纳入到结构传力路径当中,能够最大限度提升一体化水平,降低结构质量系数。

(5) 结构极致轻量化设计问题:对于中小尺度非大承载部件,在满足功能需求的基础上,采用点阵、蜂窝、夹层等轻量化结构,结合优化设计方法、新型增材制造工艺,实现结构极致轻量化是未来结构设计的重要方向。

(6) 复合材料结构设计问题:高速飞行器更多地使用陶瓷基和树脂基复合材料已成为一种必然趋势,由于其不同于金属材料的力学性能,必须针对性发展复合材料结构优化设计技术才能最大限度发挥其优势。

(7) 窗口局部保形设计问题:高速飞行器必须具备高机动性和信息探测/感知能力,因此进气道、透光透波窗口等结构在复杂的多场耦合载荷工况下的局部变形控制,直接关系到上述性能的优劣。

(8) 动载荷下结构设计问题:高速飞行器工作在高度复杂的热声振耦合环境下,一方面必须通过优化设计有效降低结构关键位置动响应、为机载设备提供良好环境,另一方面动载荷引起的疲劳问题是可重复使用高速飞行器设计必须考虑的关键问题。

(9) 不确定性(可靠性)结构优化设计问题:针对未来高速飞行器结构可重复使用结构、以及使用环境、原材料、加工、制造等环节的不确定性因素,开展结构优化设计至关重要。

(10) 面向加工制造的结构优化问题:现有商业软件算法大多基于变密度法,获得的结果为基于像素点的隐式拓扑描述,获得拓扑结果后要进行几何模型重构获得结构化模型。这一思路目前基本能够满足工程需求,但也存在明显不足。一方面,模型重构过程不可避免会丢失几何信息,使最优结构在一定程度上打了折扣;另一方面,重构效率低且对技术人员的知识积累依赖程度较高,往往需要在重构与数值校核之间迭代多次。因此,建立基于显式几何描述、能够自动生成结构化模型、考虑制造工艺约束的新型拓扑优化算法,是未来结构优化设计的重要发展方向。


2.2 结构优化技术在高速飞行器设计中的应用


2.2.1 零件设计




图4   安装接头优化设计


图5   舵轴结构优化设计


2.2.2 部件设计

根据飞行器减重和性能优化需求,开展了以舵面为代表的部件结构的优化设计工作,建立了较为完善的同类结构优化设计流程[1] (图6)。


图6   典型舵面优化设计



2.2.3 全机概念设计



图7   某高速飞行器结构概念设计[60]

2.3 亟需突破的结构优化技术



(1) 建立局部超高温热扩散结构设计技术;

(2) 完善大梯度高温热结构拓扑优化技术;

(3) 完善动载荷下的结构拓扑优化技术,实现局部动响应特性改善;

(4) 发展全新的拓扑优化方法,避免密度法拓扑优化结果特征提取带来的性能损失;

(5) 发展面向增材制造的拓扑优化技术,建立增材制造结构件性能评估和质量控制标准;

(6) 发展陶瓷基复合材料结构优化设计技术;

(7) 进一步针对未来复杂可重复使用结构优化问题,完善不确定结构优化设计方法;

(8) 基于并行计算发展超大规模结构高性能分析与优化设计平台,实现大型部件和全机的精细概念设计。

3 结束语



(1) 结构优化技术正逐步成为先进飞行器设计过程必备工具和标准流程;

(2) 结构优化设计与传统经验相结合在高性能轻量化应用中能发挥出更大的作用;

(3) 结构优化设计在飞行器研制的详细设计阶段、基本设计阶段、概念设计阶段均能发挥作用;

(4) 拓扑优化技术与增材制造工艺的有机融合,能够实现从无到有的设计,最大限度发挥结构优化的作用,将成为未来结构设计与制造的组合技术,实现真正的面向性能的结构设计。


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DOI      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">Topology optimization of steady heat conduction problem under both design-independent and design-dependent heat loads is studied by means of a modified bidirectional evolutionary structural optimization (BESO) method. Two types of problems are distinguished by their physical meanings and particularly design-dependent load effect is highlighted in the following two points. At the stage of sensitivity analysis, both the heat conductivity matrix and the design-dependent heat generation load associated with the void element are penalized in the same manner. The rationality is illustrated based on numerical tests. Furthermore, as the sensitivity of the objective function changes its sign during the iteration, a modified BESO procedure is presented to deal with the non-monotonicity of the objective function defined by the heat potential capacity. Detailed steps of the BESO procedure are presented for the element removal and growth while the inequality volume constraint is imposed. To conclude the work, numerical results and the element sensitivity obtained are discussed to show the effect of design-dependent load.</p>

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DOI      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

Structural topology optimization of thermo-elastic problems is investigated in this paper. The key issues about the penalty models of the element stiffness and thermal stress load of the finite element model are highlighted. The penalization of thermal stress coefficient (TSC) measured by the product between thermal expansion coefficient and Young&#8217;s modulus is proposed for the first time to characterize the dependence of the thermal stress load upon the design variables defined by element pseudo-densities. In such a way, the element stiffness and the thermal stress load can be penalized independently in terms of element pseudo-density. This formulation demonstrates especially its capability of solving problems with multiphase materials. Besides, the comparison study shows that the interpolation model RAMP is more advantageous than the SIMP in our case. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis of the structural mean compliance is developed in the case of steady-state heat conduction. Numerical examples of two-phase and three-phase materials are presented.

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DOI      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, topology optimization is used to design aircraft pylons. Original results for two Airbus pylons are first presented. An innovative bi-level optimization scheme is then proposed, which combines topology and geometric optimizations. At the first level, the dimension of the design domain, that is the envelope of the structure, and the location of the fixations are variables. At the second level, topology optimization is used to determine the optimal lay-out for given geometric parameters. This bi-level scheme is used to solve the aero-structural optimization of a pylon.

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DOI      Magsci     [本文引用: 1]

<h2 class="secHeading" id="section_abstract">Abstract</h2><p id="">This paper presents a multi-objective programming scheme for the conceptual design of aerodynamic missile's structure using topological optimization approaches, in which both the compliance and eigenfrequency are regarded as static and dynamic optimization objectives, respectively. During the conceptual design of the aerodynamic missile with multiple loadings, both the multilevel sequential programming approach and the compromising programming method are coupled together to settle the associated difficulties when the whole structure of the missile body is considered as a pre-defined design domain. The compromise programming method is first applied to describe the statically loaded multi-stiffness topology optimization, and the dynamic formulation is used to establish the subsequent optimization problem mainly concerned with free vibration. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is the flexibility of dealing with optimal topology designs for the whole structures of aerodynamic missiles with complicated loading cases. Solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) is used as the interpolation scheme to indicate the dependence of material modulus upon regularized element densities. The sequential convex programming approach is applied to solve the optimization problem. An engineering application is used to demonstrate the characteristics of the presented methodologies based on the commercial software package of Hyperworks.OptiStruct at Altair&reg;.</p>

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