力学与实践, 2022, 44(2): 470-473 DOI: 10.6052/1000-0879-22-109



蒋量*, 陈雪*, 高先智*, 黄毅*, 马赟,*,2), 霍波,*,3), 吴霞, 王宁

*北京理工大学宇航学院,北京 100081

中央广播电视总台,北京 100020


JIANG Liang*, CHEN Xue*, GAO Xianzhi*, Huang Yi*, MA Yun,*,2), HUO Bo,*,3), WU Xia, WANG Ning

*School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

China Media Group, Beijing 100020, China

通讯作者: 2)马赟,副研究员,研究方向为生物力学与仿生。E-mail:yun_ma@bit.edu.cn;3)霍波,教授,研究方向为运动生物力学、骨力学、细胞力学、呼吸力学。E-mail:huobo@bit.edu.cn

责任编辑: 胡漫 王永会

收稿日期: 2022-02-22  

基金资助: 1)科技部重点研发计划"科技冬奥"专项

Received: 2022-02-22  

作者简介 About authors



关键词: 跳台滑雪; 力学原理; 演示实验


It explains the technical characteristics and mechanical principles in the ski jumping sport during the four phases, i.e., approach, takeoff, flight and landing. Relevant experiments have been carried out to investigate the dynamics. It is found that the leg thrust against the ground during takeoff phase and maintaining specific body posture during flight phase are the key factors to ensure the athletes to achieve satisfactory scores during the game. This paper also discusses the possible applications of the relevant experiments for teaching theoretical mechanics.

Keywords: ski jumping; mechanical principles; demonstration experiment

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蒋量, 陈雪, 高先智, 黄毅, 马赟, 霍波, 吴霞, 王宁. 跳台滑雪中运动员采用什么姿态飞得既稳且远1). 力学与实践, 2022, 44(2): 470-473 DOI:10.6052/1000-0879-22-109

JIANG Liang, CHEN Xue, GAO Xianzhi, Huang Yi, MA Yun, HUO Bo, WU Xia, WANG Ning. WHAT POSE DOES THE ATHLETE USE TO FLY STEADILY AND FAR IN SKI JUMPING1). Mechanics in Engineering, 2022, 44(2): 470-473 DOI:10.6052/1000-0879-22-109


国家跳台滑雪中心("雪如意")是中国首座跳台滑雪场馆,为2022年北京冬奥会的比赛场馆。国家跳台滑雪中心的滑道分为HS140大跳台和HS106标准跳台,HS140大跳台长度为110 m,落差为135 m,HS106标准跳台长度为106 m,落差为115 m。运动员从如此高的跳台上跳下来,是如何保证着陆平稳而不受伤的呢?在不受伤的前提下,运动员又如何飞得更远呢?跳台滑雪按技术动作可分为助滑、起跳、飞行和着陆四个阶段,跳台滑雪运动员在比赛中需要无助力条件下呈半蹲式姿态沿助滑道向下加速,在起跳台蹬地展开,在空中两腿和雪板呈"V"字型进行滑翔,最后以弓箭步姿态完成着陆[1]。对此,本文将从跳台滑雪的四个阶段解读跳台滑雪运动员飞得又稳又远的力学原理。

1 助滑阶段



图1   跳台滑雪运动员助滑阶段的受力分析



2 起跳阶段

起跳是跳台滑雪整个技术动作的关键,起跳动作的好坏决定了运动员的成绩[2]。跳台滑雪运动员离开跳台瞬间的速度可达90~120 km/h (即25~33 m/s),相当于高速公路上高速行驶的汽车车速。当运动员以25 m/s以上的速度下滑至台端的起跳板(它与水平方向相比向下倾斜9$^\circ$~11$^\circ$)时,运动员会向上奋力一跳,身体抛向空中。运动员起跳时两腿快速下蹬,具体来讲是运动员顺着助滑道快速滑行,当雪板尖到达台端附近时立即起跳,躯干向前伸展。考虑到助滑阶段的高速度,掌握起跳的最佳时机是衡量运动员技术水平高低的一个重要标准。为了更好地理解起跳蹬地力对飞行距离的影响,本文设计以下演示实验。

在本演示实验中,将人体半蹲且下肢蹬伸的过程简化成被钢球与跳台的碰撞,跳台尺寸统一为100 mm,$\times$,100 mm,$\times$,10 mm,使用不同材质的方板(橡胶、椴木、大理石和铁)以模拟不同的蹬伸力量对跳跃距离的影响(图2)。将小球从同一高度滚动至跳台,由于材质的不同,钢球在跳台上碰撞后的离台速度会存在差异,从而产生不同的飞行距离。通过本演示实验,将跳台材料从橡胶、椴木、大理石一直变到铁,其对应的弹性模量由小到大,钢球受到的反弹力越来越大,飞行距离也随之变长。可见,跳台滑雪运动员在起跳时需要充分发力,双腿的蹬踏力越大,飞行距离也会越远。


图2   跳台滑雪起跳阶段的演示实验

3 飞行阶段

在起跳完成后,运动员进入空中开始滑翔,运动员通常将身体尽可能前倾,下肢微曲,双手伸展并置于身体两侧,滑板张开成V型,如同滑翔的老鹰,御风而行,紧盯远处的猎物,这样的姿态称为"V"型姿态。在飞行过程中,运动员将受到自身重力及气动力的作用。气动力可以分解为沿运动员速度反方向的阻力$F_{\rm d}$和垂直于速度方向的升力$F_{\rm l}$,其大小可通过以下公式计算得到

$F_{\rm l}=\rho C_{\rm l}Av^{2}/2$
$F_{\rm d}=\rho C_{\rm d}Av^{2}/2$

其中,$\rho$为空气密度,与跳台所处的海拔高度有关;$v$为运动员的速度;$A$为运动员的迎风面积;$C_{\rm l}$为升力系数;$C_{\rm d}$为阻力系数。升力系数、阻力系数与运动员的飞行姿态和滑雪服材质有关。有研究表明,当将雪板侧滑角从0$^\circ$增加至20$^\circ$时,升力系数可增大2倍以上[3]。在飞行阶段,运动员需要找到一个合适的姿态使其受到的升力较大且阻力较小,从而飞得更远。在常见的V型飞行姿态下,运动员与雪板的整体姿态与飞机机翼类似,近似上曲下平,通过这种飞行姿态可将升力与阻力的比值提升至较高值,从而获得最长的飞行时间,产生最大的飞行距离。



图3   跳台滑雪飞行阶段演示实验

4 着陆阶段


运动员着陆时,两脚成弓箭步并前后分开,身体重量分别落于两脚,雪板后端略领先于板尖着陆,两腿屈膝作缓冲,两臂左右平伸,以维持身体平衡(图4)。为什么要采用弓箭步呢?这是因为要充分利用动量定理。动量定理即为物体动量在运动阶段开始与结束时的变化量等于该物体在整个运动阶段所受的冲量$F\Delta t$,公式表达式为$F\Delta t=mv_{2}-mv_{1}$。具体来讲,运动员在着陆过程中,质量不变,速度最终变为零,动量的改变量为定值,为了尽可能减小身体受到的冲击力(即坡面支撑力),需要通过屈膝来延长作用时间,以此实现安全着陆。


图4   跳台滑雪着陆段运动员受力分析

5 结论与展望




Schwameder H.

Biomechanics research in ski jumping, 1991—2006

Sports Biomechanics, 2008, 7(1):114-136

DOI      PMID      [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, I review biomechanics research in ski jumping with a specific focus on publications presented between 1991 and 2006 on performance enhancement, limiting factors of the take-off, specific training and conditioning, aerodynamics, and safety. The first section presents a brief description of ski jumping phases (in-run, take-off, early flight, stable flight, and landing) regarding the biomechanical and functional fundamentals. The most important and frequently used biomechanical methods in ski jumping (kinematics, ground reaction force analyses, muscle activation patterns, aerodynamics) are summarized in the second section. The third section focuses on ski jumping articles and research findings published after the establishment of the V-technique in 1991, as the introduction of this technique has had a major influence on performance enhancement, ski jumping regulations, and the construction of hill profiles. The final section proposes topics for future research in the biomechanics of ski jumping, including: take-off and early flight and the relative roles of vertical velocity and forward somersaulting angular momentum; optimal jumping patterns utilizing the capabilities of individual athletes; development of kinematic and kinetic feedback systems for hill jumps; comparisons of simulated and hill jumps; effect of equipment modifications on performance and safety enhancement.

Zanevskyy I, Banakh V.

Dependence of ski jump length on the skier's body pose at the beginning of take-off

Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2010, 12(4):79-87

PMID      [本文引用: 1]

A kinematical model of the ski jumper's body pose at the beginning of take-off was proposed. A method of measuring skier's body coordinates based on the results of video recordings and office information technologies was created. Kinematical parameters of the skier's body pose at the beginning of take-off were determined using sport competition results of 33 ski jumpers. Five parameters of the pose which show statistically significant correlation (р < 0.03) with the jump length were determined. A part of variation of the model parameters in the total variation of the jump length is almost equal to 53%, and relative correlation is strong and significant (p < 0.005). Recommendations regarding optimization of the body pose at the beginning of take-off were formulated.

Virmavirta M, Kivekas J, Komi P.

Ski jumping takeoff in a wind tunnel with skis

Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2011, 27(4):375-379

PMID      [本文引用: 1]

The effect of skis on the force-time characteristics of the simulated ski jumping takeoff was examined in a wind tunnel. Takeoff forces were recorded with a force plate installed under the tunnel floor. Signals from the front and rear parts of the force plate were collected separately to examine the anteroposterior balance of the jumpers during the takeoff. Two ski jumpers performed simulated takeoffs, first without skis in nonwind conditions and in various wind conditions. Thereafter, the same experiments were repeated with skis. The jumpers were able to perform very natural takeoff actions (similar to the actual takeoff) with skis in wind tunnel. According to the subjective feeling of the jumpers, the simulated ski jumping takeoff with skis was even easier to perform than the earlier trials without skis. Skis did not much influence the force levels produced during the takeoff but they still changed the force distribution under the feet. Contribution of the forces produced under the rear part of the feet was emphasized probably because the strong dorsiflexion is needed for lifting the skis to the proper flight position. The results presented in this experiment emphasize that research on ski jumping takeoff can be advanced by using wind tunnels.
